OTK Kart Group's digital project goes on, celebrating the historic English brand - now part of our factory - thanks to an exclusive interview (in 3 episodes) with Tim Gillard, founder of the brand.

Being ‘outside the box’, in a world mainly led by Italian manufacturers; the greatest satisfactions and the most important victories achieved during the 40 years of the brand's history: these are the main topics touched by Tim Gillard in the second part of the interview where he is the protagonist of the web mini-series conceived and realized by OTK Kart Group.

In 2021, following Tim Gillard's decision to retire, our factory took the opportunity to incorporate Gillard Kart into its product range, with the aim of carrying on the legacy of the English manufacturer.

An important story, more than forty years old, which is told by the voice of the founder of Gillard Kart in this documentary interview, which is available online on the following social platforms:


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 (available from April 27th, 2022)

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 (available from April 27th, 2022)

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 (available from April 27th, 2022)